Sunday, November 6, 2011

Week 5- Fall is Here!

Hello Again!

First off I apologize for the lack of blog posts in the last couple of weeks. In my defense I caught a miserable cold, missed several dutch classes, and had to spend the last week trying to catch up with the class. Now however I am back on my feet and will make amends by posting TWO blog posts today!

In the few moments where I wasn't in bed coughing up a lung Sepp and I toured around Meerhout and Leuven taking pictures of the absolutely amazing fall colors. Truly they are beautiful. Very different from the Colorado fall colors. Everything is painted a deep red and orange. These adventures also helped me work on my bike riding skills. For those of you who don't know, I don't ride bikes. Ever. This is because in 6th grade I broke both of my wrists at the same time while riding a bike and after that decided it was probably better for me to just stay away from them.  Below are lots of pictures showing the fall colors and proving that I can, in fact, ride a bike!

We managed to confuse several people by hiding in the corn
fields to get a nice shot of the fall colors... 

Me getting my horse fix. :) 

Look I'm holding a bike!

Look I'm ON a bike! And Sepp's bike riding
skills are far superior to my own. He is
riding his bike in front of me while taking
a picture...

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