Sunday, November 6, 2011

Week 6- A Tour of Leuven

I have had several people ask me what Leuven is like and it is extremely hard to explain. The town itself is not very big, I think at its wides point it is 1.5 miles wide. However, it feels very metropolitan. They cram a lot of stuff into that small space. The city is marked with tiny winding streets, beautiful gothic architecture, and a lively bar scene. The town is considered a student town. KU Leuven is one of the biggest universities in Belgium and is the reason for Leuven's success. I will let pictures show the rest! Read the captions for explanations! 

This is the big square in front of the Leuven Town Hall.
The town Hall is the beautiful gothic structure on the left.
This square is the Center of Leuven.

Another view of the Town Hall. The kids
running in front of it are from a group similar
to the youth group I'm helping Sepp with
in Meerhout.

A closer look at the town hall. The carvings on this building
are amazing.

Across from the town hall is the Church.
 Very Beautiful as well.

The little gold man actually moves and
rings the bell when the church clock hits
the top of the hour.

Wide view of the little gold man and
clock on the church.

Inside the church

This is the Old Market. Belgians boast that this is the longest
bar in the world, because in the warmer seasons everyone sits
outside and it is indeed HUGE. 

This is the street I live on called Naamsestraat.
It is one of the wider streets in town.

And now we will move on to a tour of the inside of our apartment! Its a strange little place but so far very nice. The apartment originally was a show room for a store and therefore it has some oddities. For example, the light switch to our study room is two rooms away in the bedroom. There is a cabinet that makes all manners of strange noises (It has some kind of water pipes in it, but the noises are very weird), there are little stars ceiling with no apparent purpose, In our bedroom there is a switch which allows us to open and close the gate into the back yard, and the apartment has now oven.... we use a toaster oven. All of those things taken into consideration I actually do really like our apartment so far. So here is the tour:

The Bedroom. Sepp and I picked the most colorful comforter
we could find in IKEA. We like color.

Sepp's wardrobe and the door into the kitchen. Another Strange
thing: the wall behind our bed is actually foggy glass...

My wardrobe on the left and all my scarves. If you couldn't
tell Belgium is cold and scarves are a must!

The bathroom is tiny. The toilet is
to the left, but I didn't think it needed
a picture. 

The kitchen, small but useable! The biggest problem is that
we only have two cookers on the stove. It makes it pretty
impossible to cook anything that requires more that two pans.

The kitchen and the living room are really just one big room,
separated by a couple of stairs. 

Living room. Most of the furniture was donated by Sepp's

Our most decorated wall. :) as you can see colorado is
represented. There are little pins on the map, of places we
have been. Unfortunately we ran out of push pins and
have not finished it yet. 

Another view of the living room/kitchen. As you can see
the whole left wall is glass again. Gives us more light, but
doesn't hold in the heat well. 

My desk, I'm still working on printing photos for my wall. 

The full study room. Its probably my favorite room in the house.
I like all the light from the windows, and my desk is lovely.

So that is the apartment! I promise the next posts will be more of an update of what I've been doing! I hope everyone is well!

Week 5- Fall is Here!

Hello Again!

First off I apologize for the lack of blog posts in the last couple of weeks. In my defense I caught a miserable cold, missed several dutch classes, and had to spend the last week trying to catch up with the class. Now however I am back on my feet and will make amends by posting TWO blog posts today!

In the few moments where I wasn't in bed coughing up a lung Sepp and I toured around Meerhout and Leuven taking pictures of the absolutely amazing fall colors. Truly they are beautiful. Very different from the Colorado fall colors. Everything is painted a deep red and orange. These adventures also helped me work on my bike riding skills. For those of you who don't know, I don't ride bikes. Ever. This is because in 6th grade I broke both of my wrists at the same time while riding a bike and after that decided it was probably better for me to just stay away from them.  Below are lots of pictures showing the fall colors and proving that I can, in fact, ride a bike!

We managed to confuse several people by hiding in the corn
fields to get a nice shot of the fall colors... 

Me getting my horse fix. :) 

Look I'm holding a bike!

Look I'm ON a bike! And Sepp's bike riding
skills are far superior to my own. He is
riding his bike in front of me while taking
a picture...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Weeks 3 & 4 Beer Bike, Antwerp and More Dutch

I am opening this post with a video, largely because I am not sure how else to explain a beer bike. On Sepp's birthday we spent out time riding around on a moving pedal powered bar. As you can see by the photos below this moving bar could fit a surprising number of people on it and was a lot of fun. Apparently you can rent these bikes all over Belgium and keep them for you and your friends for the day. You also can decide how much beer you want stalked on the beer bike. The large Barrel at the front of the bike is full of beer. There are also several crates of beer on the floor of the center bar part. This is definitely a case where a picture says a thousand words so I will let the pictures do most of the work here! Enjoy. 

Here you can see the drivers seat.

That barrel in the front is full of Beer

Me on the bike with Steff, one of Sepp's band mates

We managed to fit all these people on the bike for a final ride.

Also in since the last post I have started my dutch lessons. I am taking the intensive courses which means I am studying dutch for 3 hours a day Monday through Thursday and usually have an hour or two of study at home in the evening. So far I have progressed from the infant stage to speaking at the level of your average 2 year old. I am still convinced that dutch has to be on of the hardest languages to learn in existence. 

Below are some pictures of our weekend trip to Antwerp. Antwerp is an extremely beautiful city. I liked it much more that Brussels. The Cathedral is absolutely amazing and the history in the town is great. Supposedly the name "Antwerp" actually means "Hand throw." This name came from a local legend passed down from Roman Times. Supposedly there was giant terrorizing the people of the area and the hero 'Brabo' came to save the people. He ended up cutting off the giants hand and throwing it in the river. Therefore the city was called Antwerp or Hand Throw.  With that little bit of local mythology I will end this post! Enjoy the photos! 

The whole city is made of little
winding streets.

This is Antwerp's old town hall.

This statue represents the myth about the
giant and the hand.

Me in front of the cathedral. This
Cathedral is said to rival the beauty
of Notre Dame. It is Very beautiful.

Me at the train station which is
also very pretty.

The train station made me feel like
I was in a harry potter movie... :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Week 2- There Actually IS Sun in Belgium!

For those of you who did not hear about my New Years trip to Belgium all I can say is that I have never been so cold in my life. During that trip there was only one day where I saw sunlight and that was only for about 15 minutes. That sunlight was so remarkable that I actually did take a picture of it, in order to prove that it was there. This last trip left me with a rather negative opinion of Belgian weather. HOWEVER, now I have to apologize for all the negative things I said, because there actually is sunlight in Belgium.

In the last week I have not had to put on a single scarf, coat, or the usual two pairs of socks to stay warm. In fact, I have been in short sleeves for most of it. I'm LOVING the sun, but the Belgians assure me that it will be gone next week and then I will freeze again. Sometimes I think they like watching me freeze.

We have been taking full advantage of the good weather. On Saturday we went to the Ardennen, which is the "mountains" in the south of Belgium. Although I still don't think they qualify as mountains they are extremely beautiful. We spent the day on two different hikes. The first one took us through the woods and over the bridge to... a brewery. Very typically Belgian. The second hike did not involve a bar and was gorgeous. We topped out on some very tall ridges and got some nice over views of the Area. Of course the Ardennen is in the French speaking part of Belgium, and so although I wasn't surrounded by dutch, I still had no idea what anyone was saying all day.

Also yesterday we took advantage of Sepp's free day, and the sunlight, and went to Brussels. I must say its not my favorite city. It has some very beautiful buildings and great art BUT its very dirty. There is lots of trash in the streets, you don't want to lean on most walls or sit on most benches cause you have to worry about if someone peed on it and there is graffiti everywhere. I did enjoy the trip, but its not somewhere I want to spend a lot of time. If you do end up in Brussels though drop by the Cathedral. It is beautiful! Also with all of the stained glass windows it is a wonderful place to take photos because all of the light.  Below are a ton of pictures from the last week. It was a fun time!
Hiking in the Ardennen. This was about the time they told me
that we were going to a bar. I thought they were joking.

The Ardennen: Notice the hiker about
half way down.

Beautiful river in the Ardennen

Cathedral in Brussels

Outside of the Cathedral in Brussels

Over view of Brussels from the top of the tree tower.

See I CAN ride a bike. :p

Lounging in the sunlight in Sepp's back yard

At the peak in the Ardennen

Another peak shot

This is a chocolate representation for the
most famous statue in Brussels. The actual
statue is tiny, but people travel from all over
to take pictures of it. The real statue does not
have a waffle. 

If you have been to Belgium you should
know they have lots of beer. This store
boasted 250 beers. 

A shopping center in Brussels

Our last adventure of the day in Brussels was
to climb to the top of the "tree tower." Its a giant
metal tower in front of the Cathedral with a live
tree on the top... I have no idea why its there.