Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Weeks 3 & 4 Beer Bike, Antwerp and More Dutch

I am opening this post with a video, largely because I am not sure how else to explain a beer bike. On Sepp's birthday we spent out time riding around on a moving pedal powered bar. As you can see by the photos below this moving bar could fit a surprising number of people on it and was a lot of fun. Apparently you can rent these bikes all over Belgium and keep them for you and your friends for the day. You also can decide how much beer you want stalked on the beer bike. The large Barrel at the front of the bike is full of beer. There are also several crates of beer on the floor of the center bar part. This is definitely a case where a picture says a thousand words so I will let the pictures do most of the work here! Enjoy. 

Here you can see the drivers seat.

That barrel in the front is full of Beer

Me on the bike with Steff, one of Sepp's band mates

We managed to fit all these people on the bike for a final ride.

Also in since the last post I have started my dutch lessons. I am taking the intensive courses which means I am studying dutch for 3 hours a day Monday through Thursday and usually have an hour or two of study at home in the evening. So far I have progressed from the infant stage to speaking at the level of your average 2 year old. I am still convinced that dutch has to be on of the hardest languages to learn in existence. 

Below are some pictures of our weekend trip to Antwerp. Antwerp is an extremely beautiful city. I liked it much more that Brussels. The Cathedral is absolutely amazing and the history in the town is great. Supposedly the name "Antwerp" actually means "Hand throw." This name came from a local legend passed down from Roman Times. Supposedly there was giant terrorizing the people of the area and the hero 'Brabo' came to save the people. He ended up cutting off the giants hand and throwing it in the river. Therefore the city was called Antwerp or Hand Throw.  With that little bit of local mythology I will end this post! Enjoy the photos! 

The whole city is made of little
winding streets.

This is Antwerp's old town hall.

This statue represents the myth about the
giant and the hand.

Me in front of the cathedral. This
Cathedral is said to rival the beauty
of Notre Dame. It is Very beautiful.

Me at the train station which is
also very pretty.

The train station made me feel like
I was in a harry potter movie... :)